Adult Name Change in Screven County

Screven County Adult Name Change Order Includes:

Review and Research of Adult Name Change.

Real Complete Paperwork (No Kit) Only $89.

Adult Name Change Filing Experts Are Available To File Your Adult Name Change Request in Screven County. Hire Experts Who Know Screven County Adult Name Change Filing Process, We Can Help You Fill Out Adult Name Change Petitions And File Your Name Change Case in Correct Court.

There are a variety of reasons why an adult may want or need to change their name.

One common reason is for personal or cultural reasons. For example, someone may have gotten married and want to take their spouse's last name, or they may want to change their name to reflect their cultural identity. Another reason is for professional purposes. Someone may change their name to create a stage name or a pen name that is more marketable or easier to remember. Some people may also need to change their names for safety reasons. For example, someone who has been a victim of domestic violence may Need To Change Their Adult Name to avoid being found by their abuser.

Finally, some adults may simply want to change their name because they do not like their current name or it does not suit their personality. Whatever the reason, changing your name as an adult is right, as long as it is not done to commit fraud or avoid obligations. 

Adult Name Change Screven - GA

Adult Name Change Requirements in Screven County, GA

Here are the requirements for an adult name change in Screven County, GA:

  • You must be at least 18 years old and be a resident of the state for a minimum of six months before you can file for a name change.
  • You need to file a petition for a name change with the Superior Court Clerk.
  • You must provide a valid reason for the Marriage Name Change such as marriage, divorce, or personal preference.
  • You must not have any outstanding warrants, court orders, or judgments against you.
  • You need to pay a filing fee, which varies by county.
  • You will also need to get fingerprinted and undergo a criminal history background check.
  • A notice of the name change must be published in a local newspaper for four consecutive weeks to allow for any potential objections.
  • After the publication period, a hearing will be scheduled, and you must appear before the court for a final judgment.

Adult Name Change Cost in Screven County, GA

Adult Name Change Cost in Screven County

The fee usually covers the filing of the name change petition with the court and any other associated administrative costs. In Screven County, GA, the Cost For An Adult Name Change varies by county, but typically ranges from $100 to $300.

It is important to note that additional fees may apply if you need certified copies of the name change order or if you need to publish notice of the name change in a local newspaper.

If you cannot afford the fee, you may be able to request a waiver or deferral of the fee in some circumstances. It is best to check with the court where you plan to file for a name change to get the most accurate information about fees and any available waivers.

Documents Required for the Adult Name Change in Screven County, GA

Here are the documents required for an adult name change in Screven County, GA:

  • Petition For Name Change: This is the document that you'll need to fill out and file with the Superior Court Clerk. It will contain your current name, the name you wish to change to, and the reason for the name change.
  • Filing Fee: You will need to pay a filing fee.
  • Criminal Background Check: You'll have to undergo a criminal history background check. The Screven County, GA Bureau of Investigation provides this service, and you can find more information on their website.
  • Fingerprints: Get fingerprinted, and the fingerprints will be used for the criminal background check. You can get fingerprinted at your local police department or sheriff's office.
  • Publication Notice: Publish a Notice of The Name Change in a local newspaper for four consecutive weeks to allow for any potential objections.
  • Final Judgment: After the publication period, a hearing will be scheduled, and you must appear before the court for a final judgment.
  • ID Documents: Provide identification documents, such as a driver's license or passport, to verify your identity.

Adult Name Change Filing Facts in Screven County, GA

Here are some important facts to know about filing for an adult name change in Screven County, GA:

  • You must be at least 18 years old to change your name in Screven County, GA.
  • You will need to file a petition for a Name Change With The Superior Court.
  • The petition must include your current name, the new name you wish to adopt, and the reasons for the name change.
  • You will need to provide a valid government-issued ID, such as a driver's license or passport, as well as a certified copy of your birth certificate.
  • You may need to publish notice of your name change in a local newspaper for a certain period of time, depending on the county.
  • After the court approves your petition, you will receive a certified copy of the name change order, which you will need to update your identification and other documents.
  • The entire process can take several weeks to several months, depending on the county and any potential complications.

Adult Name Change Filing Facts in Screven County

How Easy Is It To Change Your Adult Name in Screven County, GA?

At, Georgia Name Change Changing your adult name in Screven County, GA can be a straightforward process as long as you meet all the requirements and have all the necessary documents. You will need to file a petition with the Superior Court Clerk, pay a filing fee, and provide a valid reason for the name change.

However, the process can take some time as you need to undergo a criminal background check and Publish A Notice of The Adult Name Change in a local newspaper for four consecutive weeks. Additionally, you'll have to appear before a court for a final judgment. Overall, the process is not overly difficult, but it can be time-consuming and may require some effort to complete all the necessary steps. It is important to ensure that you have all the required documents and follow the procedures carefully to avoid any delays or complications.

Petition Filing for Adult Name Change in Screven County, GA

Petition Filing for Adult Name Change in Screven County

To file a petition for an adult name change in Screven County, GA, you will need to take the following steps:

  • Visit the Superior Court in the county where you live and request the appropriate name change forms.
  • Fill out the forms completely, including your current name, the new name you wish to adopt, and the reasons for the adult name change.
  • Gather any required supporting documents, such as a certified copy of your birth certificate and a valid government-issued ID.
  • File your completed petition and supporting documents with the court clerk, along with the appropriate filing fee.
  • The court will schedule a hearing date, which you will need to attend.
  • At the hearing, you will need to explain to the judge Why You Want To Change Your Adult Name. If the judge is satisfied with your reasons, they will grant your name change petition.
  • Once the name change petition is granted, the court will issue a certified copy of the order. You will need to use this order to update your identification and other documents.

How Much Time is Required for Adult Name Change in Screven County, GA?

Georgia Name Change time required for an adult name change in Screven County, GA can vary depending on several factors. Generally, the process can take several weeks to a few months to complete. The Time Duration For An Adult Name Change can vary depending on several factors, including the jurisdiction in which the individual resides and the efficiency of the accurate process. You will need to complete paperwork, submit documents, undergo a background check, and attend a court hearing. The court hearing is typically scheduled within 30 to 60 days after filing the petition for a name change.

After the hearing, it can take a few days to a few weeks to receive a court order for the name change. The time required for publishing the name change in a local newspaper for four consecutive weeks can also add to the overall time frame. Overall, it is best to expect the process to take some time and plan accordingly. Be sure to follow the procedures carefully and provide all required documentation to avoid delays in the process.

Adult Name Change Time Duration in Screven County

What is the Reason for Adult Name Change Petition Denial in Screven County, GA?

There could be several reasons why an adult name change petition is denied in Screven County, GA. Some common reasons include providing false or incomplete information in the petition, having a criminal history or outstanding warrants, owing child support or taxes, or attempting to Adult Change Names For Fraudulent Purposes. It's best to consult with a local expert who can provide more specific information and guidance on how to proceed with a name change petition.

Frequently Asked Questions About Adult Name Change

What is the typical duration of the adult name change process in Screven County?
The time frame for an adult name change in Screven County can vary. It generally takes several weeks to a few months, depending on factors such as court processing times, publication requirements, and county-specific procedures.
What restricts to change my name in Screven County?
You are generally not allowed to undergo a name change for fraudulent intent and infringement on Rights. Offensive or Inappropriate Names: The use of curse words, racial slurs, obscene language, or any offensive terms as part of your name is strictly prohibited.
Can I change my name if I am less than 18 years old in Screven County?
No, you must be at least 18 years old to initiate an adult name change in Screven County.
What are the common reasons for changing an adult's name in Screven County?
Adult name changes can occur for various reasons, including personal preference, marriage, divorce, or distancing oneself from a negative association with their given name
Do I need an expert to change my name as an adult in Screven County?
Hiring an expert is not required for an adult name change in Screven County. However, guidance can be helpful, especially if you have complex circumstances or questions.
Are there any restrictions on the name I can choose for my name change?
While Screven County law allows for name changes, there are restrictions. You cannot change your name for fraudulent purposes, infringe upon the rights of others (such as using a celebrity's name), or choose offensive or inappropriate names.
Can changing my name erase obligations or debts in Screven County?
No, changing your name does not relieve you of any obligations or debts associated with your previous name. It is important to fulfill all existing obligations and responsibilities even after a name change.
How do I update my identification documents after a name change in Screven County?
Once the court approves your name change, you can use the court order to update your identification documents, such as your driver's license, passport, and social security card. Each agency or organization may have specific requirements and procedures.
What if my birth certificate or marriage license still reflects my previous name?
If your official documents, such as birth certificates or marriage licenses, still list your previous name, you may need to go through additional processes to update those documents. It is advisable to consult with the appropriate agencies or professionals for guidance.

Counties We Serve For Adult Name Change in Georgia